When considering orthodontic care for your children it is recommended you chose a specialist orthodontist for optimum treatment and the confidence that you are getting the best possible treatment.
A specialist orthodontist studies for a further 3 years at university in addition to their 5 year dental degree. These extra years of schooling will ensure you are receiving the best orthodontic care for you and your family.
Initial consultation
When looking at options for orthodontic treatment, the recommendation is to take your child to a specialist orthodontist.
7 years old is generally the ideal time to see an orthodontist for early intervention to address thumb sucking, premature tooth loss, trauma to the mouth or decay.
It is not always necessary to see an orthodontist at this age however if this age milestone is missed itโs never too late to have a consultation at any age, even as an adult.
At this first consultation the orthodontist will perform a thorough examination of the face, teeth and bite. In some cases the orthodontist will take a panoramic x-ray (OPG) to assess skeletal growth, root configuration and any hidden teeth that have not come through yet.
If early intervention is not required treatment can wait until the usual timeline when the last permanent adult tooth has come through. The orthodontist will explain what is needed and provide all options of treatment so an informed decision can be made.
Understanding your orthodontic options
All orthodontic cases are different, depending on the individual orthodontic needs, and there may be several different treatment options and choice of braces that are suitable.
Seeking treatment from a specialist orthodontist allows the individual a number of treatment options, which the orthodontist will explain thoroughly. During this consultation an explanation of pricing and payment options will also be discussed and provided.
It is not always necessary to see an orthodontist at this age however if this age milestone is missed itโs never too late to have a consultation at any age, even as an adult.
Specialist orthodontists are the experts in their field. As part of their ongoing training they attend regular educational seminars to stay current with leading edge technology and developments within the industry.
You may have conducted your own research and your specialist orthodontist is the best professional to answer all of your questions that may have arisen during this process.
Receiving a quote
When your consultation is completed the orthodontist and his team will provide a comprehensive quote which will detail treatment type, duration and after treatment care.
The office team can also assist with providing payment plan options to assist in affordability.
This is a great time to review all of your treatment options again and the payment and cost options. Always check what is included as part of your treatment.
The after care is the time after your braces have been removed and is a vital part of ensuring your orthodontic treatment remains a success.
Ensure you cross check quotes you may have been given by other dental professionals where after care may not be a part of their treatment quote.