& Tips

Our Top 10 Orthodontic Tips

The time it takes to complete your Orthodontic treatment largely depends on the degree of the dental problem. Some may require just a few months while others could require to undergo treatments lasting a year or two. Whichever category you find yourself in just know that you will eventually reach your goal and we just encourage you to keep going because it is all going to be worth it in the end!

Witnessing your smile transform into the one you’ve always wanted is a phenomenal feeling. So take mouth photos at least every month and see first-hand how your teeth move into the correct place. This will also encourage you and let you know all that hard work in maintaining your braces are not in vain.

The more questions the better, we encourage our patients to ask lots of questions as it shows they are committed to reaching their smile goals. Why not do a bit of research and jot down any questions that you’d like to ask the Orthodontist.

After treatment the first few days of having braces may feel a bit funny. You may or may not feel a slight pain or discomfort, rest assured this rather quite normal. Having the device in your mouth does feel a bit weird but you do get use to it after a while. At first your body may take some time to adjust and you may notice that your mouth produces a bit more saliva than usual. You may also notice subtle changed to your speech but you will adjust to this over time as well. We do suggest you drink or eat something cold, like ice cream, to numb any pain you may feel. It is also recommended that you eat soft foods during the first few weeks of treatment. You can refer to our nutritional recommendations guide here.

While normal toothbrushes may do the job, an electric toothbrush may just make the process all the more efficient and faster. Because you will have to clean more than just the teeth, you have to get around the brackets and wires etc… an electric toothbrush can not only reach those hard-to-get places but also spin multiple revs per second to get any stubborn food scraps out very efficiently.

Floss as much as you can, preferably after every meal and snack would be ideal. If you have trouble flossing with braces you may also want to try a water pick as they may make things a lot easier.

Add a fluoride mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine will help get rid of any bacteria and help fight against plaque and germs on a daily basis

Don’t for get to pay your normal dentist a visit! Regular check-ups and cleans are very important when it comes to Orthodontic treatments. It is crucial we maintain good oral health. You should schedule an appointment with your general dentist every six weeks or so to stay on top of things.

Even though your teeth may feel a bit loose that’s okay, it is actually quite normal as your teeth has to be able to move into its new set position. Rest assured they are secured by the device and any tooth loss due to Orthodontic treatment is very rare.

“No lollies, I know, Yes Mum…” We know, we know. It’s one thing to floss, it’s another thing to not eat your favourite foods, but remember rule #1? Hang in there, it’s going to be so worth it. Your new smile will open up so many doors for you! For a more indepth guide, please visit our Orthodontic Nutrition page here. In a nutshell, chewy meat and hart to bite foods are a big No-No when it comes to braces. We suggest you cut up your food into small bite sized pieces and avoid any crunchy, sticky or hard foods. 🍎 View the guide here.

Special Circumstances

If you are in pain or concerned about your treatment, please call us on (07) 5573 6535

Emergency Treatments

The following is a list of orthodontic emergencies and their treatments. Only the most severe emergencies will require attention by an orthodontist. The majority of the instances listed below are easily treated with a follow-up visit. Click here for information about home remedies.

Food Caught Between Teeth

This is not an emergency, but can be a little uncomfortable or embarrassing for the patient. It is easily fixed with a piece of dental floss or use an interproximal brush (piksters) to dislodge food caught between teeth and braces or even just brushing your teeth after eating. Find out more.

Lost Wire or Ligature

Tiny rubber bands or small, fine wires, known as ligatures, hold the wire into the bracket. If a rubber or wire ligature is lost, please phone our rooms and one of our friendly front office team members will advise as to how soon the patient should be seen. Find out more.

Ligatures Come Off

If a rubber ligature should come off, you may be able to put it back in place using clean/sterile tweezers. If a wire ligature comes loose, simply remove it with sterile tweezers. If the wire ligature is sticking out into the lip but is not loose, it may be bent back down to eliminate the irritation using either tweezers, the end of a matchstick or even the eraser end of a pencil. More information if your ligatures come out.


It is normal for a patient to have discomfort for a day or two after braces or removable appliances are adjusted and it can at times make eating uncomfortable. Reassure the patient that the discomfort is both normal and temporary. Encourage soft foods. Have the patient rinse the mouth with warm salt water. If the patient is allowed to have over-the-counter pain relievers, these may be effective. Find out more.

Mouth Ulcers

Some patients are susceptible to episodes of mouth ulcers which may be precipitated or exacerbated by an irritation from braces. One or several areas of ulceration of the cheeks, lips or tongue may appear. This is not an emergency, but may be uncomfortable for the patient.  Prompt relief may be achieved by applying a small amount of wax to the braces directly opposing the ulcers.  A topical anaesthetic (such as brace relief or a pharmacy brand) may be applied directly to the ulcerated surface, along with regular rinses with warm salt water.

Irritation of Lips or Cheeks

Sometimes new braces can be irritating to the mouth, especially when the patient is eating. A small amount of wax makes an excellent buffer between metal and mouth. Simply pinch off a small piece and roll it into a ball the size of a small pea. Dry the area as best you can and flatten the ball and place it completely over the area of the braces causing irritation. The patient may then eat more comfortably. Let the patient know that if the wax is accidentally ingested it will not harm them. Find out more about remedies to irritation.

Lost Brackets, Bands or Wires

Brackets are the parts of braces attached to teeth with a special adhesive. They are generally positioned in the centre of each tooth. A bracket may debond if the patient has eaten something too hard, sticky, chewy or crunchy or if there is a sharp blow to the face or mouth. (We strongly encourage all patients, especially during braces treatment, to wear a protective mouth guard while playing contact sports.)

If a loose bracket has rotated on the wire and is sticking out, try and rotate the bracket back to position using sterile/clean tweezers to alleviate any discomfort and prevent further damage.  Please phone our rooms and one of our friendly front office team members will advise as to how soon the patient should be seen. Please be sure to notify us if the patient has sustained a blow to the face, mouth or jaw as we may need to see the patient sooner.

Protruding Wire

Occasionally the end of a wire will work itself out of place and irritate the patient’s mouth. Use a suitable implement to push the wire so that it is flat against the tooth. If the wire cannot be moved into a comfortable position, cover it with relief wax or use floss to temporarily tie the wire to the closest bracket. (See Irritation of Cheeks or Lips above for instructions on applying wax). Please phone our rooms and one of our friendly front office team members will advise as to how soon the patient should be seen. Find out more about protruding wire remedies.