How Braces Improve Children’s Confidence

How Braces Improve Children’s Confidence

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  • Post last modified:19 January 2022
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Children need confidence to blossom during their childhood. When they look and sound different from their peers, they may hesitate to engage in activities that will help them learn and thrive.

You can do your part as a parent to encourage your children to enjoy this special time in their lives by discovering how braces can boost kids’ confidence.

Improved Appearance

Kids who suffer from orthodontic issues like overbites and under bites sometimes find themselves the subject of ridicule at school or among their peers.

They may be called names or laughed at behind their backs.

Taunting because of the way they look can take a devastating toll on children’s self-esteem.

However, by having braces put on your children’s teeth, you start the process of remedying these orthodontic issues and improving the way your kids look and feel about themselves.

Within a matter of months, your kids’ overbite or under bite may become less noticeable.

Improved Speech

Orthodontic challenges like overbites or under bites can also cause children to develop speech delays and impediments. They might lisp when they speak or be unable to pronounce words that contain certain letters or consonant blends.

When they are unable to speak as they should, children often cannot be understood by their peers, teachers, and even parents. This inability to communicate normally can damage their self-esteem and also make them less eager to engage in social and learning environments.

Kids who suffer from orthodontic issues like overbites and under bites sometimes find themselves the subject of ridicule at school or among their peers.

Braces help restore the proper dental formation needed for good speech and pronunciation. When they are able to speak normally, children may become more confident and more likely to join in conversations in school and elsewhere.

Proper Chewing

Another detriment that comes with having orthodontic problems like an overbite centers on being unable to chew and eat food properly.

A child who has a noticeable overbite or under bite may be unable to take bites properly or chew with his or her mouth closed. The condition may also cause the child to inadvertently spit food while eating.

Being unable to eat like other children can take a toll on a child’s confidence.

Braces can help remedy the overbite or under bite, however, and allow the child to bite down and chew food better and also feel more comfortable and confident when eating in the presence of others.